*** Updated 10/30/88 *** Performance timings using Rick Spanbauer's DiskPerf program. System Dir/ Seek Read/Write (by buffer size) /Disk Size Create Delete Scan Read 512 4096 8192 32767 ======= ====== ====== ====== ====== ===== ====== ====== ====== ====== Amiga floppy - DF1: [1] 880K <=1 1 38 2 11014 12024 12080 12136 4974 5180 5170 5190 Amiga RAMdisk - RAM: [2] ? 5 10 5 51 201649 655360 873813 873813 137970 262144 291271 327680 Amiga ASDG RRD - VD0: [3] 2M 18 43 51 132 70849 109226 113975 119156 46811 63937 65536 67216 Amiga Turner/MicroForge - DH1: [4] 10M 6 12 46 46 23616 24272 24499 24272 13041 17246 18078 17955 Amiga Supra - DH0: [5] 20M 7 12 50 50 22215 22215 22405 22598 18078 19134 19418 19710 Amiga Side-Effects - DH0: [6] ? 8 13 51 50 25954 25450 25206 25700 14324 19275 19134 20641 Amiga Xebec - DH0: [7] 20M 2 3 45 47 31207 37449 37449 38550 13582 14979 14727 14894 Amiga C Ltd - DH0: [8] 20M 7 15 50 40 17133 17133 17133 17133 12603 13512 13653 13797 Amiga C Ltd - DH0: [9] 20M 6 9 43 42 24499 28493 28493 29127 14536 15984 16181 16282 Amiga C Ltd - DH0: [10] 135M 9 20 51 53 27025 27025 27306 27306 13107 13173 13173 13173 Sun 3/50 [11] ? 6 11 350 298 240499 234057 233189 236343 215166 182466 179755 187580 VAX 8800 [12] ? 13 29 1629 1914 449389 421679 419990 410669 146585 183960 185807 191812 Amiga 2000/2090 [13] 20M 4 20 35 60 28493 40329 41610 42974 12365 12725 12725 12725 Amiga 2000/BridgeBoard [14] 29M 10 21 51 50 23831 25954 25954 25700 13724 13797 13797 13582 Amiga 2000/2090 [15] 40M 10 27 98 94 74898 119156 154202 201649 26749 97069 113975 131072 Amiga 2000/2090 [16] 20M 8 14 45 50 21845 24499 24730 26214 12850 16804 16912 17593 Amiga 2000/2090 [17] 41M 6 23 42 73 36921 49461 49461 52428 13724 15330 15330 15511 Amiga 2000/2090 [18] 41M 6 24 41 73 36408 48545 49461 51400 13239 13374 13374 13374 Amiga 2000 Modified ASDG RRD [19] ?M 20 45 49 137 77101 119156 124830 131072 50412 67216 72817 72817 Amiga C Ltd - DH0: FFS [20] 20M 7 15 104 73 62415 100824 145635 187245 45197 77101 84562 109266 Amiga RAMdisk - RAM: [21] ? 5 10 5 51 201649 655360 873813 873813 90394 131072 137970 137970 Amiga RADdisk - RAD: [22] 334K 20 45 48 142 81920 131072 137970 137970 56987 79437 81920 84562 Amiga 2000 GVP Rodime 3085S FFS [23] {a} 70M 15 29 84 66 26479 145635 163840 262144 25954 113975 124830 201649 {b} 15 30 87 66 26479 145635 174762 262144 25954 113975 145635 201649 {c} 16 31 104 75 28187 174762 174762 291271 27306 131072 154202 201649 Amiga 2000/2090 Rodime 3085S FFS [24] {a} 70M 16 52 87 60 22598 174762 291271 524288 25954 137970 187245 262144 {b} 15 47 87 94 62415 163840 262144 436906 25700 137970 187245 262144 {c} 16 50 104 109 70849 174762 291271 524288 27594 154202 201649 262144 Amiga 2000 C Ltd Rodime 3085S FFS [25] {a} 70M 10 26 89 82 45990 87381 104857 124830 42974 67216 79437 100824 {b} 9 13 82 73 42281 84562 100824 119156 42974 65536 81920 100824 Amiga 2000/2090 Micropolis 1325 FFS [26] {a} 70M 16 55 98 57 22028 131072 187245 218453 27306 113975 131072 163840 {b} 16 50 102 96 62415 131072 187245 238312 28493 119156 154202 174262 Notes: Tests 1-19 done under 1.2 release 33.46. Tests 20-?? done under 1.3 release KS 34.5, WB 34.20 unless otherwise noted. All Amiga timings done by Fred Fish (unless otherwise noted). [1] DF1: tests done after "AddBuffers 32" & freshly formatted disk. [2] RAM: tests done with ASDG RAM attached and active for RAM: use. [3] VD0: tests done with 2MB recoverable RAM disk, nearly full. [4] Scott Turner's MicroForge and custom driver results. ST-225 formatted at 10M, 87% full, MFM encoding, 65ms. [5] Supra 20 MB Hard Drive tests performed by deb! Christensen. 45% full. [6] Side Effects Side Track timings done by Jay Denebeim of Side Effects. [7] Xebec timings done by Bob Eller; 37% full (3M of 8M partition) with version 3.0 of the Xebec hard drive device driver. 2.5M Amiga. [8] C Ltd 20M tested with original interface and driver. 20M Rodime. Timing by Steve Plegge. [9] C Ltd 20M tested with the October 87 PAL and SCSI.device. Disk 60% full - and plenty fragmented. 20M Rodime. Timing by Steve Plegge. [10] C Ltd 135M tests done by David Salas (RLL Micropolis 5.25" HD, 28ms). [11] Sun-30/50 timings by Rick Spanbauer, and show what a high-performance system talking to a SCSI can do. [12] VAX 8800 timings, done by Mike Meyer, show what a high-performance I/O system can do. [13] 2090 controller with 20M Miniscribe and ST506 interface. Drive is about 65% full. [14] 49M Segate ST157 3 1/2" drive with WD RLL controller (hardcard) installed on the PC side thru the Bridgeboard. 20M MS-DOS partition and a 29M ADOS partition. The MS-DOS partition required an interleave of 5 and ADOS required a 2 for best results. The MS-DOS Norton SI test indicate a 1.6 with a transfer rate of 160K/sec. Timings by Dick Sheffold. [15] 40M Miniscribe 3650, 65ms, on 5M 2000 with 2090 controller. 900K DOS partition, 40M fast file system (gamma 4) by Neil Katin, 536 bytes/block. 50% full. Timings by Steve S. George. [16] 20M partition of 40M Phoenix hard drive on 2000 with 2090 controller. Timings by Ben G. Scheie. [17] 41M Miniscribe 3650 (6 heads, 61ms average access time) MFM. Timings by William G. Joyce. [18] 20M Miniscribe 8438 (formatted as an 8425) (4 heads, 65ms average access time) MFM. Timings by William G. Joyce. [19] Modified ASDG recoverable RAM disk - disassembled and rewritten, but not finished. Timings by William G. Joyce. [20] C Ltd 20M tested with SCSIdos v3.0. Disk 80% full. 20M Rodime, unknown interleave. Running Facc-II, FunKeys, ScreenBlanker. Steve Plegge. [21] Amiga RAM: device, version 1.3. Running Facc-II, FunKeys, ScreenBlanker. Timing by Steve Plegge. [22] Amiga RAD: device, version 1.3. 334K (32 cylinders). Running Facc-II, FunKeys, ScreenBlanker. Steve Plegge. [23] GVC Impact A2000 with Rodime 3085S (70M, 28ms), KS 1.2, WB 1.3 omega 9, 3M B2000, 680*274*2 PAL screen. Timings by Christian Balzer. {a} Running with BlitzDisk (200 blocks, DIRONLY), AmiCron, Facc-II, MClk, antivirus program, PerfMon. {b} Running AmiCron, Facc-II, etc., no BlitzDisk. {c} Running alone (priority 3, other tasks killed). [24] 2090 controller with Rodime 3085S (70M, 28ms), KS 1.2, WB 1.3 omega 9, 3M B2000, 680*274*2 PAL screen. Timings by Christian Balzer. {a} Running with BlitzDisk (200 blocks, DIRONLY), AmiCron, Facc-II, MClk, antivirus program, PerfMon. {b} Running AmiCron, Facc-II, etc., no BlitzDisk. {c} Running alone (priority 3, other tasks killed). [25] 2090 controller with Rodime 3085S (70M, 28ms), KS 1.2, WB 1.3 omega 9, 3M B2000, 680*274*2 PAL screen. Timings by Christian Balzer. {a} Running with BlitzDisk (100 blocks, DIRONLY). {b} Running alone (priority 3, other tasks killed). [26] 2090 controller with Micropolis 1325 (70M) ST-506 type drive, KS 1.2, WB 1.3 omega 9, 3M B2000, 680*274*2 PAL screen. Timings by Christian Balzer. {a} Running with BlitzDisk (200 blocks, DIRONLY), AmiCron, Facc-II, MClk, antivirus program, PerfMon. {b} Running alone (priority 3, other tasks killed).